This game is amazing. Hands down amazing. It’s probly the best skate game I’ve ever played. I love it. I actually skateboard and this game even pleases me. I’ve been playing this game on the same 6 parks for months and months and months now and I still find new tricks to do and new ways to hit spots and even entirely new spots to hit. The learning curve is incredibly steep but once you figure it out, by god it’s the smoothest, most intuitive skate game I’ve ever played. I love this game. Well done Axis Game people, well done.
That being said, I think the addition of Street League to to True Skate did a huge disservice to the initial True Skate game. All of the True Skate parks rule. All of them. Every single one from Underpass to the Factory. If you don’t think so, it’s because you haven’t gotten good enough yet. Each park has it’s own unique learning curve, which I really love in a game. Every single one of the True Skate parks absolutely kills it, in my opinion. hOwEvEr, to be honest, not one of the Street League parks even close to lives up to my expectation for the True Skate franchise. I bought the SLS park, and was mind bogglingly disappointed with it. It kind of sucked. There was no really nice smooth lines or transitions. It just seemed thrown together all mish mash. I previewed all the other SLS maps after that and they all looked the same to my eye. I was around when Inbound was the latest update and then schoolyard got released. I remember when consecutive parks were as different as schoolyard to the warehouse. I miss those days. I haven’t bought a single one of the Street league parks since that first one. It’s really honestly great for you guys at Axis and True Skate to have made that connection with Street league, it really is. However, I think maybe Street League should let you still be their official app, as that is a tremendous plug for Street League (I’d never heard of street league even a little bit before True Skate) but should let your creative team of park designers take charge of game design.
True Skate is the first game I’ve played that is intuitive and free form enough to be an art form. There is enough variation in True Skate for a true and unique style of skating to emerge, and therefore for the game to be a tool to create art with. I really value that about True Skate, and I would like it to succeed and rise to the glory I know it can. Pool your new resources, invest in the best, and most creative creative team you possibly can, and start cranking out new parks. That’s how you’re gonna make profits. If you can keep pumping out new, quality parks, I’m gonna keep buying them the day you release them. I’m addicted to this game. It’s the only one I’m addicted to, It’s a really well made game. Overall of the review: STOP RELEASING STREET LEAGUE PARKS AND START RELEASING TRUE SKATE PARKS.
*****UPDATE***** Oh and one last thing haha, I think the addition of a CLEAN and RELIABLE way to do manuals (and especially mani pads) would make this game absolutely undeniable. It would be the crown jewel of the mass gold palace that is this game. People would completely forget whatever a “touch grind” was and you guys would take precedent over the mobile skate market immediately. Great game guys. Hope to see some cool changes take place :)(:
The Lotus Eaterr about True Skate, v1.3.28